Our tube is your tube
by Reflector Staff
YouTube. The very word conjures images of sitting around and clicking useless videos. Anything, and I mean anything, can be found on the Internet. Viewers can watch a beached whale explode, learn how to tie a necktie or watch somebody clean their ear amongst other highly interesting videos. What fun!
Hours can be spent on the Internet watching related videos. Sometimes one gets RickRolled. For those YouTube noobs out there, that means clicking on an exciting video and ending up hearing Rick Astley’s ‘80s anthem, Never Gonna Give You Up. I personally like it and take that time to jam along. Other times, you stumble upon videos that go truly viral. YouTube celebrities have been known to make a hefty salary off advertising on their websites according to views. While there are times when viewers stumble upon videos that soon go viral, there are other videos that are lesser known. Some of the videos below are viral, while others are just plain entertaining.
Terry Crews Old Spice Commercials
While kicking over buildings, liquefying bad guys and riding tigers, we can rest assured that actor Terry Crews is also punching armpit odours right in the face. Crews — who is a spokesman for Old Spice Bodywash — has your back with 16 hours of B.O. blocking power and also does an impassioned version of A Thousand Miles in White Chicks.
— K.R.

Photo from inspiredbyiceland.com. This Iceland tourism video pokes fun at the country while also being hip.
China’s Hairiest Man
As a hairy guy myself, my hat goes off to the so-called hairiest man in China. Yu Zhenhuan, who suffers from a rare condition, is 96 per cent covered with a coat of thick black hair. Although he was teased, he made the decision to make more of a life for himself and become a rock star. Rock on, my hairy friend, rock on.
— K.R.
The Rocket Jump
If you have not yet seen video productions created by Freddie Wong on YouTube, then you are truly missing out. From what I can tell on his video account, he is a student at the USC School of Cinema-Television. His visual effects are unlike anything I have ever seen on the Internet. Check it out!
— K.R
LIPDUB – I Gotta Feeling (Comm-UQAM 2009)
This delightful lip dub video (lip synching and audio dubbing) is mind- boggling to watch. The energy is explosive, the directing is excellent and the timing is dead-on perfect. One hundred and seventy-two communication students from
UQAM (the University of Quebec in Montreal) participated in this creative lip dub that was shot in two hours and 15 minutes. Other universities have tried to mimic similar projects and have yet to accomplish the same Internet popularity.
— C.M.
Inspired by Iceland
This video, as far as I know, was funded by the government, and is part of a tourism campaign for Iceland. So I guess any time a government funds something like this, there are different issues. But if you put all of that aside and just watch the video, it’s pretty fun. Probably not everyone in Iceland is a young, good-looking gymnast like in this film, but at least it’s creative. OK Alberta, your turn.
— J.N.
Piano Chat Improv
With over 16 million views for his four videos, there’s a good chance you’ve already seen Merton in his green hoodie, flawlessly improvising lyrics while he plays the piano to literally random people on Chat Roulette. Whether you’ve seen it or not, fire up YouTube and search it out because his on-the-spot rhyming and powerful command of the keys are sure to make you smile.
— Z.D.