GNEDs: They aren’t capital punishment
The courses that will entertain and help you in your future
Albina Khouzina
Features Editor
Whether you hate them or love them we all have to take GNEDs to get a degree at MRU.
General Education courses are meant to “give you a breadth of knowledge that complements your major area of study” according to the Mount Royal University website. Although most people don’t seem to like GNEDs, they are useful to your education and help you study another area you may be interested in.
You can also take GNEDs that can count towards getting a minor in another subject.
At MRU there are four clusters of subject areas, with three tiers of levels and everyone has to take one course from each level and each cluster to fill the requirements.
Most students will have to take 12 courses to fill the general education courses, with some differentiation between certain degrees. You should not look at it as something you have to take, but rather an opportunity to learn something new and take a class you wouldn’t normally take.
Here are four courses from each cluster, all tier 2, that you can take that are interesting and don’t need any pre-requisites.
Cluster 1 – PHED 2007, Introduction to Nutrition.
This is an interesting course that really explains food and health. It can help you understand what you are putting into your mouth, and how your body will convert it into energy. This course is great for health concerns, but is also helpful to university students living on their own, helping you make better food choices as an adult. The course does take some work and won’t be an easy A, but you will learn a lot of helpful tips for your future.
Cluster 2 – MGMT 2275, Creativity in the Work Place.
Get your creative juices flowing! This course is really fun and exciting and will help you cultivate further creative ideas in the work place. The course teaches you how to come up with unique and imaginative ideas in the office. You will enjoy the freedom and high morale in this classroom, and you can learn how to come up with great ideas in your future work life.
Cluster 3 – FNCE 2130, Personal Finance.
It may not sound too fun, but this course is a great way to help you manage your money in the future. We all have to, or will have to, manage our money eventually with insurance, taxes and investments — so learn how to do it properly. This course can help you start thinking about your financial future and how to deal with it once you graduate.
Cluster 4 – SPCH 2001, Introduction to Public Speaking.
This is a must take for any student. Public speaking is something that most people fear and try to avoid as much as possible, but taking this class can help you work on the fear and help you speak well. In the class you will have to constantly present in front of the class, all while learning different techniques that will help you become good at speaking in front of crowds. This course can help you not only speak in front of crowds, but also help you talk well in everyday life.