Reflector Cougar of the week for Nov 6
Sarah Weninger, #16 Cougar women’s hockey player
Jeff Kobar
Staff Writer

Sarah Weninger, #16, is a forward for the MRU women’s hockey team. This is her third year on the team and she says that respect is a key aspect for a good leader.
Photo courtesy: Facebook
Sarah Weninger is completing her criminal justice degree at the Mount Royal University. She’s also a third-season forward for the Cougars’ women’s hockey team. The athlete sat down with The Reflector, for a Q & A to share her thoughts on the team’s season and the sport.
The Reflector: The team had a good pre-season, but the group seems to be on a cold streak right now. How are you and the team working to get back on track?
Sarah Weninger: We are focusing on the details in practice and hoping that they transfer into the game play material. Our coach, Scott Rivett, and the team right now, is focusing more on the process than the score board. Once we get the process right, that’s when we will start winning.
TR: What is keeping the team motivated?
SW: The team wants to make playoffs and be a top competitor in the league. We’re in a tough league and we want to be the top rival across the board.
TR: What makes a good leader in hockey?
SW: Respect. Respect for coaches, respect for other teammates and respect for team rules. We have etiquette on and off the ice. Each player does a great job of doing their part.
TR: What hockey skills do you apply to school work?
SW: Effort and consistency. Being consistent in school is the same as being consistent on the ice. When you write a subpar paper, it can be like losing a game, you have to learn from your mistakes and move on.
TR: What’s the toughest part about playing university-level hockey?
SW: I would say probably the gap between the 6 a.m. workout and the 4 p.m. practice. It makes for really long days. It can be tough to sneak in naps.
TR: What’s the best part about playing university-level hockey?
SW: When we’re playing as a team, and we’re doing the right things on the ice, we click. As long as we’re out there playing well and getting our grove on, it’s worth it.
TR: Who’s your favourite hockey player and why?
SW: T.J. Brodie. He’s my favourite right now. I love watching him. He has so much patience with the puck. He never seems to freak out or anything. He’s fun to watch.