CD Review: Last Building Burning by Cloud Nothings

Photo courtesy of Carpark
Cloud Nothings
Last Building Burning
Score: A-
For an album being heralded by many music outlets as “Cloud Nothings goes experimental,” Last Building Burning is surprisingly straightforward. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with it; it’s a welcome return to the heavier, punk-ier sounds that were decidedly lacking in last year’s Life Without Sound.
Chiming in at eight tracks and 36 minutes, Last Building Burning is cacophonous. Frontman Dylan Baldi’s vocals are as shouty as ever, yet he still finds moments to flex his talent of producing singalong ear-worms where you least expect it (“Leave Him Now,” “So Right So Clean”).
Frankly, though, it’s drummer Jayson Gerycz who leads the charge on Last Building Burning, chugging along with frenetic pitter-patters and full-scale beatdowns that hold this album together.
All in all, not bad.
– Alec Warkentin