Author: PublishingEditor


Living from the heart

By Zoey Duncan Zoey and Alan As a writer, Alan learned to loathe clichés. I may have had something to do with that. So maybe he wouldn’t appreciate my telling you that he epitomized...


Farewell to a friend

How Alan Mattson changed my life By Jeremy Nolais The first day of August is one I will never forget. It was the day our world lost a great friend, son, boyfriend, sibling, journalist,...


I went to the Legion, you should too

More than just ‘old people, dart boards and draft beer’ By Kelsey Hipkin I had heard of Calgary’s Legion No.1, friends had told me about various music shows they had been to there but I...


Juliette Lewis rocks The Republik

Musician and actor genuine and down-to-earth By Gabrielle Domanski Upon entering The Republik on Thursday night, one couldn’t help but notice the surprisingly low turnout. It was soon brought to my attention however,  that...


Folk Fest: St. Vincent wows the crowd

By Kelsey Hipkin If you haven’t read the books or seen the movies, the Twilight series features a family of beautiful vampires named the Cullen’s. Pale and beautiful with a lovely voice, St. Vincent...


Outside the gates of Folk Fest

by Katie Turner While the music may be happening behind the fences of Calgary’s Folk Music Festival, there’s a different kind of party outside the gates. Friday afternoon saw hundreds of festival-goers waiting in...