Author: Web Editor


Balancing babies and books

by Megan Darragh Through the mess of exams, payments, and trying to maintain a social life, students can easily get run off their feet. Throw a little one in the mix and things just...


No surprises in SA election

By Zoey Duncan After four-and-a-half hours of waiting for the ballots to be counted, an excited and slightly nervous group of Students’ Association hopefuls finally got their answer. “We had a lot of ballots,...


Working on the written word

By Zoey Duncan It’s not unusual for students to enter university with only a cursory knowledge of how to properly craft a sentence. That means when they’re faced with writing a well-researched essay, they’re...


Students hard up for jobs

By Devin Ayotte With student unemployment rates finally coming down from their highest levels in decades, the search for both part-time and summer employment has been frustrating for many. “It’s become highly specialized,” said...


‘Vote intelligently’

By Devin Ayotte Internationally renowned journalist Gwynne Dyer visited Mount Royal University to share his views on climate change and the results of U.S. President Barack Obama’s first year in office. Dyer, who spoke...


Less excercise a weighty issue

By Kaila Sept Young adults are avoiding a daily workout more than ever and it seems as if the growing trend of a busy lifestyle is to blame. Obesity rates are on the rise,...


Diving into fashion head first

by Asha Siad When Courtney Sokal, 24, and Kelby Price, 21, were showing swine flu-like symptoms last August, they had to be quarantined for a week. Fortunately, it wasn’t swine flu, but what they...