Author: Web Editor


The search for pow’

by Vanessa Vegter Guest Columnist December has arrived, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and Ular the Snow God seems to finally have awoken from his slumber. Fear not my comrades; while...


New film studio means more jobs

by Kaila Sept A new opportunity for Alberta’s film industry has been announced by Alberta’s Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, Lindsay Blackett: Calgary will be getting its own permanent film studio. This is...


The Reflector keeps going and going

by Reflector Staff As students attempt to dig themselves out from under the mountain of end of term assignments, the amount of all-nighters and cram sessions are increasing. It is no wonder then, that...


Bill 44 continues to cause controversy

by Devin Ayotte Though nearly six months have gone by since the Alberta government passed the controversial Bill 44 in June, debate within legal and educational communities continued at a panel discussion held at...