Author: Web Editor


News editor bids farewell

The first story I wrote for The Reflector was published on March 8, 2007. It was about a Students’ Association referendum on increasing the cost of the Universal Transit Pass. As a bright-eyed first-year...


Students: file your taxes free online

Click here to file your taxes online Your taxes are due at midnight on April 30. Are you ready? Many students’ tax returns are easy — for a trained accountant. As belts are tightened...


New Wyckham opens with a bang

Wyckham House, Mount Royal’s independently owned student centre, celebrated the grand opening of a recent $13-million expansion with a big party on March 14. The night’s celebrations included a reception with about 150 staff,...


No go for logo

  Mount Royal needed a logo to celebrate its 100th anniversary, and decided to hold a competition where students submit their designs. A panel of distinguished judges chose two finalists, and online voting was...