Category: Arts


What does it mean to be indie?

Jillian Zack, Contributor |  Indie. People use this word all of the time to describe music in one way or another— but what does it actually mean?  The proper definition of indie is: (a...


The powerful story behind Next 2 New

Rylie Perry, Staff Writer A single conversation can change a life.  It was a moment that only lasted 45 seconds, but it was pivotal for a man who had nearly given up on himself. ...


OPINION: Genr(uh)?: Beyoncé and country music

Ava Free, Contributor |  When most people hear genre, they think of “a category of artistic composition” that is “characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.”   Often discussed by media and artists alike...


Winter skin and hair care tips

How to heal from the season’s dryness | Daria Orth, Staff Writer |  Cracked lips, split ends, and incurable skin dryness are just a few of the same fates we face when living in the...


Stuck in a reading rut?

Here is how to start a reading habit | Emma Marshall, Arts Editor |  Feeling stuck in a reading rut? You’re not alone. Many book lovers hit a point where the pages just don’t...


The best bands you’ve never heard of (yet)

Rylie Perry, Staff Writer |  With a new year comes a new demand for more music, more live shows, and more places to spend a night out. Luckily, Calgary-based bands have got you covered....


Love languages

The gateway to a flourishing life | Brennen French, Staff Writer |  Calendar pages flip to February, New Year’s resolutions dissolve, and many people begin to feel the heaviness that holds the air. That...


Car Ride

Read The Reflector x  MRU Write Club in our list of writer portfolios or in our print issue | Christina Jarmics, Guest Writer |  Let’s take a car ride, drive destinationless through endless recurring roads...