Category: CD Reviews


Noise 101 for Feb. 17, 2011

Jam soothes the  student soul by Carter Arlette The Reflector Music is one of the many things that makes our species unique. The ability to take strings, sticks and skins, and arrange them in...


Noise 101 – CD Reviews for Nov. 4

Chemical Brothers Further With the average song length at almost seven minutes, The Chemical Brothers waste no time packing their newest album with head-spinning beats, layered samples and fist- pumping rhythms. Further is an...


Pineapple sweet and sour

By Amy Hipkin When I was first asked to write a CD review I was excited! I like to think I have an appreciation for all types of music and enjoy being enlightened with...


Noise 101 CD Reviews for April 1 Reflector

Choice Cut by Sean-Paul Boynton If you’re looking for some insight into the originality and individualism of Erykah Badu, take a look at the video for “Window Seat,” the first single from her stunning new...