Category: Arts


Noise 101: CD Reviews for Sept. 26

Miesha & the Spanks Girls, Like Wolves Saved by Vinyl Score: A   The debut album by local band Miesha & the Spanks, Girls, Like Wolves, fulfils its ferocious namesake with all of its...


Floods, fires and fan connections

Canadian folk artist is all about openness   Becca Paterson Arts Editor   Arguably the best element of an intimate venue is a more connected and interactive show with the band or artist playing....


Poetry corner

Frontenac House’s Quartet series releases four books of poetry   David Wenzel Contributor   Every autumn, Calgary-based publishers Frontenac House release their annual Quartet, a series of four poetry books written by local poets...


The conversation continues

Calgary-based Axis of Conversation release long-awaited album   Becca Paterson Arts Editor   In October 2006, Axis of Conversation released their first EP, There’s Hope for You Yet (Just Kidding). Now, seven years later,...


Noise 101: CD Reviews for September 12

Big Sean Hall of Fame Getting Our Our Dreams Score: B+   With catchy songs like “Ashley” and “Beware,” featuring Miguel and Lil’ Wayne respectively, Big Sean’s second studio album Hall of Fame is...


No more lovin’

The show won’t go on for I Heart MRU   Becca Paterson Arts Editor   New Student Orientation (NSO) can be an overwhelming two days for new students to Mount Royal. It is a...


We Are The City and Royal Canoe rock SAIT

Co-headliners convince a less-than-enthusiastic crowd to have a good time   Levi Severtson Contributor   On a rainy night that was as gloomy as the students still recovering from returning to school and the...


Ross Rants: Enough is enough

Epcor Centre is just he latest victim of cuts to the Arts in AB   Nathan Ross Web Editor   It seems as though more and more often that any news involving the word...


CIFF: The fest for film buffs

Discovering new talent right here at home   Becca Paterson Arts Editor   Hot on the heels of the Toronto International Film Festival, the 14th Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) is gearing up to...