Category: Features


Send in your best bus story!

By Emily Marsten, Features Editor Bus stories, everyone has one! Whether it’s almost sitting in that ‘wet spot’ that you’re sure is someone’s pee, meeting your one-stop soul mate or sitting next to that...


Events to do this Halloween in Calgary

By Taylor Charlebois and Ambar Mikaella, Contributors Halloween is right around the corner and with it comes an unquenchable thirst for horror and scares. If you’re among the braver souls out there, Calgary has a...


The best parks to visit during fall

By Cyrille Casimero, Contributor I don’t know about you but something about the leaves changing colour makes me look forward to the colder months. The change from bright deep green to golden brown is...


How to edit your photos like a pro

By Cullen Chan, Contributor When it comes to editing pictures there are so many different approaches that people can take, but I’ll give you my approach on how I tackle such a daunting task....


3 Tips to Help You Stay Healthy This Semester

By Cyrille Casimero, Contributor As a university student, it can be hard maintaining healthy habits. Our days are already full with classes, jobs, homework, commuting and the list goes on! A change of routine from...