Category: Features


YYC local Valentine’s Day gift guide

By Cassie Weiss, Staff Writer Valentine’s Day is hard to avoid. Red, pink and white merchandise takes over the world, leaving the lingering, sweet scent of roses hanging around wherever you go. Lovers rejoice, bundling up with their hunnies, finding a...


Opinion: Pantone should have just chosen brown

By Isabelle Bennett, Features Editor Each December, the Pantone Color Institute designates a Color of the Year. Though the choosing of a king-pin colour seems about as significant as People’s designation of the sexiest man alive, the effects of this single decision...


What the heck is intuitive eating?

By Isabelle Bennett, Features Editor Imagine this: it’s 2018. Searching for the energy to get out of bed, you scroll through Facebook. Four of your relatives have shared the same article about romaine lettuce causing...