Category: Features


Sandwiched In: Something fresh

Sandwiches: a divine gift from the heavens. You may not believe in God, but if he exists then we bet he’d get down on the pastrami. Warm, fresh, occasionally meaty… they represent everything right in...


Things I wish I’d known in first year

The Reflector Archives Plan out your general education requirements ahead of time so you don’t get stuck without the prerequisites necessary for higher-level classes. If you’re on campus four or more days a week,...


Top 10 homemade Christmas gifts

        Save your meager student budget with these DIY presents   Silvia Pikal Contributor   ‘Tis the season to open your hearts and empty your wallets. While I do love showering...


Holiday survival guide

How to make it to New Year’s Day alive   Lindsay Douglas Staff Writer   Oh Christmas.   ‘Tis the season of crowded malls, lame gifts and awkward conversations with drunken relatives.   There...


MRU store more than just snacks

Todd Colin Vaughn Staff Writer   Stopping for a snack? An energy drink? How about a pen for that exam you forgot about and are now ten minutes late for? Alnoor Rajwani and his...


MRU’s Road Kings

Here they are folks, the best of the clunkers, jalopies and rust buckets — the cream of MRU’s parking lots Photos: The Reflector staff   Most Wanted Daily Driver The winner was an obvious...



  Balance key to harmony between life and devices   Alyssa Smith Features Editor   Falling into fits of sweaty panic followed by uncontrollable trembling was exactly how I pictured life without my iPhone....


Blackout blues

Jasmine Jeffkins Student Submission   It was 11 p.m. on a Tuesday and life as I knew it was over.   My BlackBerry crashed. No more BlackBerry Messenger, on-the-go Facebook, no more Map apps...


Dusters for Donations

So much more than just a laugh   Todd Colin Vaughn Contributor   Jordan Ludwig is one of millions affected by cancer.   “My grandpa had a mix of cancers for years and years...


Greetings from New Mexico

MRU student details more adventures in Albuquerque   Lindsay Douglas Staff Writer   When I left home, I knew I was going to miss some things.   I previously touched on how I miss...