Category: Features


A new instrument for your one-man band

by Vanessa Redux Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered, even for a second, what a pocket pussy actually is. The human species has come up with a plethora of ingenious and sometimes rather bizarre...


Raise a glass to a century of learning

by Josh Naud Now that centennial celebrations are officially in full swing, it’s a fine time to introduce the latest offering on tap at the Liberty Lounge. Meet the Wild Rose Royal 100, brewed...


My God is no genie

by Jesse Hove Have you ever developed a deep meaningful relationship with a close friend or family member through a three-step process? Have you ever fallen in love following a pre-planned mathematical guide to...


Bathroom guide: Flush with pride

by Aaron Chatha & Mayan Freeborn As students, we’re always asking ourselves the big questions: What classes should I take? What will I do once I graduate? What’s really in that donair meat? Yuck,...


Library spaces are nice places

by Catherine Szabo Library staff at Mount Royal University were expected to flex not only their mental muscle this summer, but also to show their physical strength. In response to a number of complaints last...


When studying goes oh-so right

by Reflector Staff Students know that feverish university research begins long before you set yourself down into a blue plastic chair in September. In the early years of post-secondary school, you may have spent...


Best bites on campus

When you’re on a budget You’ve probably heard from every money expert who’s ever had five minutes on television that bringing food and coffee from home will save you a bundle in the long...


Balance is key to organization

Every year, I think, “This is it.” By “this,” I mean that by being better organized, I will never write a paper at 2 a.m. again. To date, I have considered myself extremely lucky to...


Many factors in textbook cost

by Catherine Szabo In the days leading up to the start of school, as well as the weeks fol- lowing, traffic on Main Street gets congested as students flock to the bookstore for textbooks. Michelle...


Shopping in the shark’s den

Every issue, The Reflector will publish a personal essay written by a Mount Royal University student.All topics are welcome.We reserve the right to not publish subject matter that is hateful or a personal attack.You...