Category: Features


Bad news night owls

by Ashley Schiller Between school, homework and part-time jobs, it can be difficult for a student to get a good night’s sleep. Often, students feel that if they just spend an extra hour or...


A pint for what ales you

by Megan Darragh What goes better with a warm winter’s day than a mouthwatering, perfectly chilled pint of beer? Well for those of us who can’t get enough, the only thing better than a...


Vegetarian options at MRU

by Zoey Duncan When people are hungry, they eat. For vegetarians, solving that recurring hunger problem on campus can seem tougher than biting into a broiled slab of tofu. While diets vary, some people...


In the heat of the moment

by Selina Renfrow Love can bite. Sometimes in a good way, other times in a bad way. I’m not talking hickeys here. We’re out of high school and sucking on the neck is about...


A different kind of course

by Gabrielle Domanski Since its induction into academics, women’s studies has been a course that has had its fair share of criticisms. However, at Mount Royal, it is one of the first courses within...


Spending the night with CMRC

by Megan Darragh A brightly coloured control panel glows green and blue in the dimly lit room. Two young girls are sitting huddled together around a microphone exchanging witty comments and comical stories. A...


Balancing babies and books

by Megan Darragh Through the mess of exams, payments, and trying to maintain a social life, students can easily get run off their feet. Throw a little one in the mix and things just...


Diving into fashion head first

by Asha Siad When Courtney Sokal, 24, and Kelby Price, 21, were showing swine flu-like symptoms last August, they had to be quarantined for a week. Fortunately, it wasn’t swine flu, but what they...


Classrooms gone virtual

By Katie Turner The daunting task of waking up for an 8 a.m. class may be enough to drive any student to online classes but the computer classroom presents its own unique challenges. For...


Spice up your Valentine’s celebrations

by Selina Renfrow February is a cold, cold month. If you’re someone who actually likes winter sports (I’m not), you can laugh in the face of the cold and have fun skiing, snowboarding, ice...