Category: Features


Gift giving for dummies

Trying to find the perfect gift for someone you love is never an easy task, but what may be even more difficult is shop­ping for your other half in a newly formed relationship. No...


The Reflector keeps going and going

by Reflector Staff As students attempt to dig themselves out from under the mountain of end of term assignments, the amount of all-nighters and cram sessions are increasing. It is no wonder then, that...



Walking into Bushido Tattoo on 17th Ave, one is inundated with the sound of buzzing tattoo guns at work, and the cheerful banter of the staff. Aside from the shop’s clean presentation and the...


Douche looks like a lady

by Ryan Rumsey You see them everywhere. The frosted tips, orange tans, and $500 Italian jeans (not to mention the ever present abundance of Ed Hardy). These men are commonly referred to as ‘douchebags.’...


Accessing post-secondary

Ahmed Khalil is in his first year of general business studies at Mount Royal. From the moment he was born he has only had half of his vision. For most students, getting through university...