Category: Features


7 unique events to explore during Christmas break

Keo Bunny, Features Editor The holiday season is quickly approaching and there’s a variety of events happening locally. Aside from the run of the mill events like Christmas markets and visiting mall Santas, there’s...


Pink Tax & Pink Facts

Abbie Riglin, Photo Editor  The pink tax, or gender-based price discrimination is a global issue so prevalent the United Nations even went so far as to call for countries to reduce this gap. But...


Men’s mental health matters

Keo Bunny, Features Editor Movember. Men’s Mental Health Week. Men’s Health Month.Just three of the many men’s health related calendar events across the year. This begs the question: why has the topic of men’s...


Winter blues or something worse?

Emily Kirsch, Staff Writer  Winter is here, and although the season has plenty of fun opportunities and exciting forthcomings, not everyone finds the cold months enjoyable. Many people notice a change in their mood...


The world is grieving: What can we do?

Keo Bunny, Features Editor  Grief surrounds us all. It’s the defining characteristic of being human. But how do you deal with the idea of grief hanging around us all the time? With the influx...