Category: News



Angie Lang  Features Editor   Ah yes, you know what time it is, it’s the kick-off to the beginning of family orientated holidays. Thanksgiving – the expression of gratitude, especially to God (if you’re...


Who Should I Vote For?

An overview of federal party platforms Sam Ridgeway, Staff Writer The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), the Liberal Party, and the New Democratic Party all have dynamic platforms; it’s up to you to cast...


MRU Votes!

Calgary Centre candidates come to MRU discuss the future of Canada’s education, economy and security Nina Grossman, News Editor Election time is almost here MRU! Spirits are high, Facebook arguments are running rampant and...


Social Media Destroying Politics

Politicians are being forced out by previous social media comments Brady Grove, Contributor We have all been warned to be careful about what we post on social media, but despite the warnings many people...


MRU Votes!

Are students going to be taking part in the federal election? Andrea Roberts, Contributor The future of the country is in the hands of voters as the federal elections looms closer but will Mount...


Federal Election Debate Comes to Calgary

Party leaders go head-to-head on Canada’s economic issues Sam Ridgway, Contributor At 6pm on Thursday Sept. 17, federal election candidates met at the BMO Centre in Stampede Park to talk national economics and political...