Category: News


Editorial: Premier Problems

On Sept. 25, we were supposed to have an explanation.   We were supposed to look into the eyes of the fearless leader we elected and receive a transparent answer behind the necessary budget...


Council Briefs

SAMRU introduced committees, which the new student governors will have the chance to join   Kaity Brown News Editor   The Students Association of Mount Royal University Council meeting took place on Sept. 30...


There will not be blood… labs

Due to the budget emergency, MRU students will have to go elsewhere to get blood work done   Mackenzie Hiltz Contributor   Unfortunately, we’re not talking about the lab that your professor assigned for...


Food trucking onto campus

In light of Sodexo leaving, food services at MRU are working hard to bring   Kari Pedersen Staff Writer   Students who have been noticing a significant lack of options at Mount Royal University...


Former MRU student president sentenced

Meghan Melnyk, who robbed a bank over a gambling addiction, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison   Kaity Brown News Editor   Meghan Melnyk has become a well-known name, not only on...


Letter to the Editor

From Dana Sigurdson   Dear local media,   My name is Dana Sigurdson, I am one of many students attending Mount Royal University who yesterday (Sept. 17) received a threatening letter on my car....


Budget cuts cause parking peril

Parking Services takes a hit after the budget cut, inevitably sucker-punching students   Kaity Brown News Editor   It should be no surprise that after the budget cuts, students would be left to crunch...


Beakerhead blasts off all over Calgary

MRU to host first aboriginal astronaut at Iniskim Centre   Maria Carbajal Staff Writer   Beakerhead, a new festival that runs Sept. 11-15 in Calgary, focuses on the melding of art and science.  ...