Category: News


Car2go comes to MRU

Calgary’s newest car sharing method makes traveling easy for students   Holly Triebwasser News Editor   Don’t want to waste an hour taking the bus to Mount Royal just for one morning class? Instead...


Say goodbye to summer

Calgary’s best moments this season   Holly Triebwasser News Editor   Back to school signs are plastered from every department store window in the city and, although it’s still warm out during the day,...


Meghan Melnyk pleads guilty to bank robbery

Former SAMRU president ‘very remorseful’   Holly Triebwasser News Editor   Former president of the Students’ Association of Mount Royal University, Meghan Melnyk, 28, plead guilty to charges of bank robbery on Aug. 1...


Centennial Stampede reaches new records

Turnout at all-time high for 100th anniversary   Holly Triebwasser Staff Writer   Attendance for the Calgary Stampede soared this year – along with the temperatures – as the number of visitors reached record-breaking...


West LRT test trains are on track

If you’ve been eagerly anticipating a shortened commute to Mount Royal University on the new west LRT line, good news – the project entered the final phase on May 15 when the first two...


16 faculty members promoted to full professors

Teaching excellence a must for the new rank   Rachael Frey Summer Editor   Mount Royal passed another huge milestone in the transition from college to university on May 7 when 16 faculty members...


Tory bias alleged at MRU

Alumni mag featured Redford right before election called   Rachael Frey News Editor   Mount Royal University has been accused of “sucking up to the Premier” in the days leading up to the election...


SAMRU bylaw changes balance executive power

Rachael Frey News Editor   Several bylaw revisions were taken to the student body at a special general meeting on March 28.   Despite some debate and requests for clarification, the Students’ Association of...