Category: Web Exclusives


The Golden Child Returns

Connor McDavid is back and better than ever but is it enough? Brady Grove, Staff Writer Connor McDavid has finally returned from injury and has revitalized a stagnant Edmonton Oilers hockey club. The superstar rookie...


Striking a Chord

Metal band talks about working independently with a unique sound Bigoa Machar, Arts Editor With the power of the internet making it easier to record and upload music, more and more people are making music...


Driven to Succeed

The future of self-driving cars is “wheely” close! Logan Krupa, Tech Columnist You’re at home when you realize you need to go to the store for groceries. After entering your desired store into your...


Free Nights at the Glenbow Museum

The first Thursday of every month will be free admission with extended hours at the museum Melanie Walsh, Sports Editor The Glenbow Museum has opened its doors for all to enjoy, on the first...



In light of “Bell: Let’s Talk Day” comes a reminder that fear of missing out (FOMO) is #stillreal Nina Grossman, News Editor For me, it usually hits around 3:00 AM. A cold sweat, racing...