The Reflector


Shut up or die

Imagine that one morning after breakfast you get a frantic phone call from your neighbour. She seems consumed in fear, cannot stop hyperventilating, and is constantly repeating the word “husband.” You attempt to calm...


Songstress shows Swagger

Ask Lucie Idlout to classify her music and without a moment’s hesitation she’ll tell you it’s rock. Idlout’s (pronounced Id-lowt) second album Swagger was released Feb. 10 to positive reviews. Compared to her first...


Beading for Darfur

Most 10-year-old girls anticipate the ritual of weekend sleepovers with their best friends, the pandemonium of a new High School Musical movie or the debut of a new Webkinz such as the charming Yorkie...


Free money, apply within

  Despite struggles in financial need for tuition, accommodation and other post-secondary necessities, students can avoid unnecessary anxiety through other readily available alternatives.  Mount Royal College has made scholarships and bursaries one of its...


Walking on sunshine

  Increasing levels of the so-called “sunshine vitamin” can drastically reduce a person’s chance of developing metabolic bone disease, deadly cancers, heart disease and a host of other diseases, says a world-renowned medical expert...


Feeling the crunch

  Amid falling oil prices, rising unemployment and reduced investment, the Alberta government forecast a $39.9 billion revenue with diminutive resources for funding part of college revenues leaving lobbyists abysmally little wiggle room to...


No go for logo

  Mount Royal needed a logo to celebrate its 100th anniversary, and decided to hold a competition where students submit their designs. A panel of distinguished judges chose two finalists, and online voting was...


Knowing the ins and outs

The Mount Royal Cougar’s women’s volleyball team was looking for their third straight Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference championships as they hosted the final eight teams in the province from Feb. 27 to Mar. 1....