The Reflector


An inconclusive truth?

A new report from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy has called for a greater balance in the teaching of environmental issues in North American classrooms. The background report, written by Manitoba high school...


The global job hunt

Finding a job is usually quite a chore, but when the economic situation of your country shows signs of a significant recession, the task becomes even more gruelling. As an international exchange student spending...


Pinching pennies on the go

If you’re planning to step outside your comfort zone and journey to the different corners of the globe, you can do so without coming back penniless. The key is to save money where you...


Alumni series: Pearls of wisdom

For CTV’s Pearl Tsang, Calgary has always been a big part of her life, so what better place to begin her career than in the city she was born and raised? The Mount Royal...


Oscar’s year of the Joker

It’s pretty safe to say, even before all the rewards are handed out and the speeches given, that the 81st Annual Academy Awards will be remembered as the year movie fans are either satisfied,...


Five-hole action

You are bound to be entertained when you get to see a play that blends the rough and sweaty world of hockey with, well, the rough and sweaty world of sex. Ladies and gentlemen...


The power of Doubt

It’s 1964 in the New York Bronx, a time of controversy, a time of eminent change. With the assassination of an archetypal American president only a year prior, and with the emerging civil rights...


Love on and off the court

Valentines Day is coming up sports fans! Time for Cupid to dust off the old bow and give couples that shot in the ass to make lovely-dovey dinners and share roses, wine, and maybe...