Tagged: Asha Siad


Lacking experience? Volunteer!

by Asha Siad The Reflector Grades (check), great attitude (check), reliability (check) — but something seems to be missing on that job application. It’s something simple, rewarding and interesting, and you can choose from...


Connecting through classrooms

by Asha Siad The Reflector The ability to make friends comes naturally for some people, but can be challenging for others. When creating friendships outside your area of study, through GNED courses and electives,...


Making resolutions for a new semester

by Asha Siad The Reflector With one semester worth of exams and papers completed and the start of a new one upon us, some students may look back contentedly on their fall academic results,...


Diving into fashion head first

by Asha Siad When Courtney Sokal, 24, and Kelby Price, 21, were showing swine flu-like symptoms last August, they had to be quarantined for a week. Fortunately, it wasn’t swine flu, but what they...