Tagged: Bill


Paying tuition with plastic will cost you

MRU approves transaction fee for credit card payments   Will Conner Contributor   Plastic is the preferred payment method for most Mount Royal University students when it comes to paying for tuition and residence,...


Move to CIS means rise in tuition

$12-fee to be added to full-time students’ bill   Drew Henn Staff Writer   The Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC) is changing. College teams across Alberta are fist-bumping because the powerhouse program of Mount...


Faith Column: Harper’s crime bill anti-Christian

Bill C-10 completely contrary to faith   James Wilt Faith Columnist   When Jesus Christ walked the Earth, he advocated a message of punishment, incarceration, racism, criminalizing the poor and building lots of prisons...


World won’t end in 2012

Welcome to 2012.   The arrival of a shiny, new year means it’s time to ponder making some changes — yep, the dreaded New Year’s resolution.   By now you’ve probably thought of at...


Tuition jumps yet again

Feeling the squeeze? Instead of heading to The Hub for another round, students are now forced to deal with rising tuition costs hitting an all-time high in Canada. Full-time undergraduate tuition has increased 4.3...


New parking laws proposed

by Bryan Weismiller News Editor A new piece of legislation could have implications for Mount Royal University’s current parking situation. Bill 23 may make it easier to ticket and tow illegally parked vehicles on...


Bill 44 continues to cause controversy

by Devin Ayotte Though nearly six months have gone by since the Alberta government passed the controversial Bill 44 in June, debate within legal and educational communities continued at a panel discussion held at...