Tagged: Calgary


Comedian is hot(z) stuff

by Blaine Meller There are a lot of things that make Jeremy Hotz laugh; politics, universities, Sarah Palin, the Saddledome and ointment. Ointment? “You can’t be a big tough guy, walk into a store...


Date like a roadrunner

by Cori Bowhay We are students and we are busy. But that doesn’t mean we’re not still looking for love in between coffee line-ups and classes. As a student, trying to find a date...


Pandemic: from panic to placid

by Zoey Duncan For some, the only reminder of last year’s H1N1 pandemic panic is the ubiquity of hand sanitizer. If you walk into an office or business without a bottle of that clear...


Water conference poses fluid ideas

Working with a water con- servation organization hasn’t gotten recent Mount Royal University graduate Alla Guelber in over her head yet, but the public relations graduate will still be holding her breath until after...


Students search for grains of truth in the oilsands

by Catherine Szabo Canada’s geography is easy: there are the spaces where Canadians live – mostly along the 49th parallel – and where they don’t. Albertans have 661,190 square kilometres of options. Most choose...


Three minutes with the future mayor

by Aaron Chatha The key to speed dating is making a strong first impression, laying your best cards on the table and hoping that, after meeting everyone there, someone liked you best. On Oct....


Students feel the heat in fire demo

by Kevin Rushworth Within minutes of the first smoke detector screech, fire rippled up the curtains and danced chaotically across the floor. Just as twisting flames deformed a computer screen, a couch lit up...


Calgary’s Plaza Theatre celebrates 75 years

by Sheena Manabat In a relatively young city such as Calgary, The Plaza stands out as the city’s longest-running theatre. The cozy and charming Plaza was once a stable before becoming the one screen...


Get rich or die grinding

by Sarah Kitteringham Careening down the highway while attempting to make a break for the Alberta border with police cars and a helicopter on your trail would be unnerv- ing for even the most...