Tagged: Canada


Weather got you down?

by Zoey Duncan As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with exams, tuition payment, and holiday shopping, the weather may also be play­ing a role in your trip to the dol­drums. Seasonal...


No fee increase planned for MRU students next fall

by Zoey Duncan While other post-secondary institutions in the province are gearing up to request tuition cap increases from the govern­ment, Mount Royal University is quietly sitting at the cap lev­el that was supposed...


New film studio means more jobs

by Kaila Sept A new opportunity for Alberta’s film industry has been announced by Alberta’s Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, Lindsay Blackett: Calgary will be getting its own permanent film studio. This is...


Mari time on Cougars’ ice

by Amy Gregson The Reflector As a ringette player for the past 15 years in Finland, Mari Ahvensalmi had always dreamt of coming to Canada to play ringette and study for a period of...


Show us your spirit

Painted faces, homemade signs, t-shirts and hoodies emblazoned with MRU or a roaring Cougar and maybe even a continuous round of the wave? Add it all up and you have the recipe for MRU...


Douche looks like a lady

by Ryan Rumsey You see them everywhere. The frosted tips, orange tans, and $500 Italian jeans (not to mention the ever present abundance of Ed Hardy). These men are commonly referred to as ‘douchebags.’...


Home away from home

A lot of things are pretty new for 18-year-old Oluwafemi Ogun. Just over a year ago at the age of 17, he moved to Canada from Lagos, Nigeria, leaving his family behind. This September,...


Accessing post-secondary

Ahmed Khalil is in his first year of general business studies at Mount Royal. From the moment he was born he has only had half of his vision. For most students, getting through university...


Breaking through the club doors

  by Sheena Jardine-Olade   The female DJ was at one time something as weird and mysterious as a unicorn, or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It warranted a...