Tagged: capital of canada


Ross Rants: Enough is enough

Epcor Centre is just he latest victim of cuts to the Arts in AB   Nathan Ross Web Editor   It seems as though more and more often that any news involving the word...


Another quiet success for Honens

Internationally acclaimed competition barely noticed at MRU   Leah Fink Contributor   As much as everyone in the arts scene has loved beating the whole “Cultural Capital of Canada” title to death, it is...


The Dudes highlight Alberta Culture Days

Samantha Savage Smith also provides a spark   Simon Tottrup Contributor   It has become increasingly apparent that the only people who assume Calgary has no culture are the ones who aren’t living here...


Calgary actually has lots of stuff to do

Nathan Ross Arts Editor   If there is one thing I’m so sick of hearing people say about Calgary, it is that there is nothing to do.   Calgary is literally the cultural capital...


Festive events in cowtown

A roll call of Calgary’s summer celebrations   Laura Lushington Web Editor   Come on Calgary, we can’t be named the culture capital of Canada for 2012 and not show the rest of the...