Tagged: caption


2010 in review

by Blaine Meller Sports Editor As the winter semester kicks off, so too does the unofficial second half of the Mount Royal Cougars athletic season. With that in mind, The Reflector looks back at...


Reflecting back on 2010

by Claire Miglionico and Aaron Chatha Arts/Features Editors Music   Song of the year: “Pick Up the Phone (Francis Preve Remix)” – Dragonnette Best newcomer: Nicki Minaj It girl in music: Katy Perry It...


Join the club

by Rachael Frey The Reflector Whether you made a New Year’s resolution, or are just looking for a way to shake things up a little, January is a good time to get out there...


Making resolutions for a new semester

by Asha Siad The Reflector With one semester worth of exams and papers completed and the start of a new one upon us, some students may look back contentedly on their fall academic results,...


Things I wish I’d known in first year

by Zoey Duncan Publishing Editor * Plan out your general education requirements ahead of time so you don’t get stuck without the prerequisites necessary for higher-level classes. * If you’re on campus four or...


Taking the train to brown town

by Vanessa Redux Sex Columnist So, it’s another new year and newer is always better, right? Regardless of whether old acquaintances be forgot or you decided to perform a new year Facebook friend-axing after...


Copyright tax could trigger digital shift

by Bryan Weismiller News Editor Copyright legislation may be the furthest thing from most people’s minds as they welcome in a new year. However, changes to copyright licenses this year could see Mount Royal...