Tagged: docherty


MRU cautiously optimistic for 2015 budget

Deputy Premier and newly appointed Minister of Innovation and Advanced Education Dave Hancock visits Mount Royal University to talk money   Kyla Bodley Staff Writer   The ghost of budgets past lingered in the...


Guest Column: The President’s speech

David Docherty’s guide to the student journey   David Docherty Guest Columnist President, MRU   Welcome, new students, and congratulations on coming to Canada’s best undergraduate university. Welcome back to returning students, faculty and...


‘New library essential to MRU,’ Docherty says

Budget cuts apparently not a factor for $85.5M project   Kari Pedersen Contributor   Mount Royal University may still see the construction of a new library this spring. Despite budget cuts in March, MRU...


MRU copes with provincial budget cuts

‘Not going to be the same as before,’ Docherty warns   BAJ Visser Staff Writer   Mount Royal University is scrambling to cope with drastic and unexpected cuts after the Government of Alberta released...


Books bring us together

Kaity Brown Staff Writer   What could bring an Olympic gold medalist, an RCMP officer, a university president and about thirty kids all together? A love of books and a desire for higher learning...


Open your wallet (again)

Once again, Alberta’s universities are feeling the fiscal pinch. Mount Royal University, for example, is staring down the barrel of a $5.4-million shortfall in 2013-14, and it’s expected to be even worse the year...


Calgary Pride Parade 2012

On Sept. 2 Calgarians came out to show their pride. Students, faculty and staff from Mount Royal University  and the Students’ Association marched in the parade, as well as President Docherty and Calvin the...


New library not in the balance books

We’re still pushing for it, says MRU president   Rachael Frey News Editor   Alberta’s provincial budget for 2012 is here and it contains both good and bad news for Mount Royal University.  ...


Fall 2011 newsmakers

Catch up on everything from slighted staffers to bar blues   Rachael Frey News Editor   Goodbye, Canada Post   The little postal outlet kiosk in the corner of the Wyckham House basement closed...