Tagged: Don


A good meal for $15 or less

by Rachel Frey Have you sampled all that Wyckham House has to offer? Exhausted the options in the Herb ‘n’ Market? Eaten so many of those pre-packaged Sodexo sandwiches that they’ve been informally named...


The be naughty list

by Vanessa Gillard It’s as cold as Frosty’s snow- balls outside, and I’m sure many of you would like nothing more than to deck the halls with the notes you’ve written this semester. Yep,...


Your B.O. is turning me on

by Vanessa Redux Ever got a whiff of someone’s B.O., specifically from their armpit, and wondered why you weren’t really all that turned off by it, and realized that you probably wouldn’t kick them...


How to score a date on campus

by Nicholas Schreiber The first step to getting a date on campus is simply to be on campus. This is a rather easy task when you know where to look. Mount Royal University is not...


A new instrument for your one-man band

by Vanessa Redux Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered, even for a second, what a pocket pussy actually is. The human species has come up with a plethora of ingenious and sometimes rather bizarre...


Make the most of on-campus living

by Kylie Robertson The start of a new school year can be intimidating, especially if you’re leaving home for the first time while making the transition to university. But have no fear! The Reflector has...


Farewell to a friend

How Alan Mattson changed my life By Jeremy Nolais The first day of August is one I will never forget. It was the day our world lost a great friend, son, boyfriend, sibling, journalist,...


Tea for two and two for tea

By Kelsey Hipkin I don’t like coffee. Because of this I’ve been called a “freak of nature” by one friend and been given looks of incredulousness from others. Most just shake their head with...


Pineapple sweet and sour

By Amy Hipkin When I was first asked to write a CD review I was excited! I like to think I have an appreciation for all types of music and enjoy being enlightened with...