Tagged: eb


MRU blind to needs of the sight impaired

Campus layout a serious hazard for the visually disabled   Kaity Brown Staff Writer   Mount Royal University seems blind to the fact that the campus is in need of a serious renovation.  ...


MRU’s ‘Big Chiller’ down and out

Broken AC motor not yet sent for repairs   by Shannon Galley   It was a sweltering start to school at Mount Royal. As temperatures rose outside, there wasn’t much relief to be found...


Internet falls short in student job search

by Sean-Paul Boynton The Reflector The moment you’ve been waiting for is almost here: the completion of your schooling and the opportunity to celebrate your graduation. But after the champagne stops flowing and the...


The case for space at MRU

With a new semester full of reading, quizzes and exams, students will likely be looking for out of the way places for a little peace and quiet to do some studying. One problem is...