Tagged: energy


Malcolm Gladwell to add to Legacy of Ideas

by Bryan Weismiller News Editor Some people would sound crazy trying to connect Saturday Night Live with German philosophy — not Malcolm Gladwell. The bestselling author will be presenting his unique ideas at the...


Students forced to trade freedom of thought

by Lorenzo Petrin Guest Columnist Democracies are designed to allow for a multiplicity of interests. Typically these “interests” organize into groups to fully leverage and advocate their political power. As political parties need votes...


Juliette Lewis rocks The Republik

Musician and actor genuine and down-to-earth By Gabrielle Domanski Upon entering The Republik on Thursday night, one couldn’t help but notice the surprisingly low turnout. It was soon brought to my attention however,  that...


The Reflector keeps going and going

by Reflector Staff As students attempt to dig themselves out from under the mountain of end of term assignments, the amount of all-nighters and cram sessions are increasing. It is no wonder then, that...