Tagged: festival


Feeling Wyrd? Sled Island sneak peek

By Selina Renfrow With over 180 bands announced for the 2010 Sled Island line up, the five day June 30-July 3 show is guaranteed to knock your socks off with the most intense music...


Off the beaten reel

by Sean-Paul Boynton Tired of the usual Oscar schlock? Worried that independent film may be squashed once and forever by the rise of 3D-tainment? Aren’t you sick of hearing the words “James Cameron” mentioned...


A safe haven for cinephiles

by Sean-Paul Boynton Before digital video, IMAX, and Avatar, there was Super 8mm and 16mm film. Largely used by amateur moviemakers during their heyday, these formats have also been adopted extensively by both indie...


Something to write home about

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but isn’t it nicer to have writers create pictures for you? WordFest is back in town for a six-day run Oct. 13-18, and director Anne...


No more Styrofoam

With thousands of people visiting Wyckham House each week it was clear to the SAMRU that they needed to start ad­dressing some environmental issues to limit waste. First item on the agenda: Styrofoam. On...


Review: Virgin Festival Saturday

Let’s talk about Virgin Festival Alberta. And like any great conversation starter, let’s begin with the weather. The Weather The weather couldn’t have been better for Virgin Fest, Calgary was so lucky to have...


Virgin Fest: Dance/rap duo brings the thunder

Grahm Zilla believes a good way to gauge his latest project, Thunderheist, is to look at the hierarchy on festival flyers. “You can always tell how big you are by your font size,” says...