Tagged: festival


Sled Island: Woodpigeon soaring to new heights

After tons of time spent touring across Europe, Woodpigeon, led by Mark Andrew Hamilton return to a festival close the group’s heart. Hamilton recently spoke with The Reflector: Reflector: Woodpigeon is quite popular in...


Sled Island: Dude going it alone

Being in the band that rules the Calgary indie-rock scene isn’t enough for Bob Quaschnick, the Dudes’ guitarist — he wants to prove he can go it alone, too. Quaschnick, one of the creative...


Sled Island: Tigers on the prowl

Seamless integration and fluid, catchy melodies are likely the elements that stick out when first listening to Vancouver-based septet Fond of Tigers, however, guitarist and band leader Stephen Lyons admits that a great deal...


Summer heats up at Sled Island

In only two years, Sled Island has firmly established itself as Calgary’s coolest summer festival, a mini version of Texas’s South by Southwest festival that balances music, art, and film from both local and...