Tagged: fighter


Mama, I want to be a Street Fighter

Calgary to host international gaming contest   by Aaron Chatha The Reflector   Over two million unique viewers watched the Street Fighter championships online this summer. Taking place in Las Vegas, players from around...


The scary side of sports

by Blaine Meller Another Halloween has come and gone, but this time, it left something behind other than stomach aches and dentist bills: The scariest sports personalities of all time. 1. Mike Tyson In...


MMA advocates take on Canada’s top docs

by Blaine Meller The gloves are off. In one corner, the Canadian Medical Association: an organization of doctors that “advocates high quality health care, and provides leadership and guidance to physicians.” In the opposite corner: mixed martial...


Striking it big

by Blaine Meller Call it the ultimate opportunity. For Calgarian Nick Ring, the chance to display his talents on the current season of The Ultimate Fighter is just that — an opportunity to showcase his...


Stampede: No clowning around in bull fighting

Very few people would have the cojones to stand in front of a 1,800-pound bull, some might even call them crazy but bull fighter Dave Sandilands does it for the thrills. “Pure adrenalin rush,”...