Tagged: food


Recovering from the quake

By Shiva Kashi It was in the late afternoon on Jan. 12, when Nikdosht Nouban noticed the floor of her second-storey apartment in Port-au-Prince begin to shake. She ducked in a doorway for refuge....


Managing stress, one bite at a time

    by Zoey Duncan Have exams and expenses got you on edge? Your eating habits on stress-filled days can compromise your health and make it tougher to study. During stressful times in our...


Stampede: 2009 in photos

As the raucous 10 days that were Stampede 2009 come to a close The Reflector concludes its coverage with a final compilation of our top photos. Whether it was the thrill of the rodeo,...


Stampede: One hour, 1800+ calories

Disclaimer — Before reading the following, it is not recommended you try this experiment unless you are wise and knowledgable of the ways of junk food. I have been practicing the art of junk food consumption...