Tagged: freedom


No more school, no more books

Most students tend to give up on learning once the bell tolls in April. On some level, everyone deserves some degree of academic freedom.   Is this a good idea? Should learning really stay...


Pharmacist celebrates first year at MRU

Alyssa Smith Features Editor   Over the last year pharmacist Thomas Yueng has advocated for students over everything from specific medications to trying to install a postal box.   Yeung’s pharmacy opened in the...


Cutting out the Freshman 15

How to leave MRU without a muffin top, beer gut or love handles Bryce Forbes Sports Editor Please freshman, listen to what I have to say. I’m speaking from experience here — I’ve been...


Students forced to trade freedom of thought

by Lorenzo Petrin Guest Columnist Democracies are designed to allow for a multiplicity of interests. Typically these “interests” organize into groups to fully leverage and advocate their political power. As political parties need votes...