Tagged: Haiti


Calgary Folk Fest delivers on all fronts

By Sean-Paul Boynton When the sun finally decided to keep on shining throughout the weekend after a gloomily rained-out Friday, the 2011 Calgary Folk Music Festival truly came alive. In this reviewer’s opinion, the...


Students ply trades in the real world

by Catherine Szabo & Devin Ayotte Geeking up the magazine business A group of students in Mount Royal’s journalism and electronic publishing programs will be premiering the first edition of their new magazine this...


Tournament challenges students’ creativity

By Zoey Duncan Leave it up to entrepreneurs to develop a class that crosses the boundaries of typical university learning situations. The Innovation Tournament, part of the intro to entrepreneurship course, gives students a...


Recovering from the quake

By Shiva Kashi It was in the late afternoon on Jan. 12, when Nikdosht Nouban noticed the floor of her second-storey apartment in Port-au-Prince begin to shake. She ducked in a doorway for refuge....


MRU contributes to Haiti relief

  On Jan. 12, the island country of Haiti was hit with a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that left the country’s capital, Port au Prince, in absolute ruins. With 80 per cent of the...