Tagged: industry


Changes coming to MRU campus bookstore

The evolution of the publishing industry has caused the campus bookstore to continually adjust their business model to keep up with the times. “I’ve been in this industry a long time and there’s always...


Local film gets experimental

by Jessica Melnychuk & Kaila Sept The Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) has made its way into town, and one local filmmaker has proven that someone entering the industry doesn’t need a huge budget...


Diving into fashion head first

by Asha Siad When Courtney Sokal, 24, and Kelby Price, 21, were showing swine flu-like symptoms last August, they had to be quarantined for a week. Fortunately, it wasn’t swine flu, but what they...


New film studio means more jobs

by Kaila Sept A new opportunity for Alberta’s film industry has been announced by Alberta’s Minister of Culture and Community Spirit, Lindsay Blackett: Calgary will be getting its own permanent film studio. This is...