Tagged: jack simpson


Get it through your head

Eliminating brain injuries could save lives   Todd Colin Vaughn Sports Editor   Sidney Crosby should retire.   Sounds crazy, but hear it out for a bit.   Concussions and post-concussion syndrome have become...


Grappling with an affinity for pro wrestling

WWE culture overshadowing athletic skill   Todd Colin Vaughan Sports Editor   “STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!”   I still remember Jim Ross, ring announcer for the then World Wresting Federation, screaming into...


Noise 101: CD Reviews for Feb. 2

Gorillaz The Singles Collection 2001-2011 EMI   When you have artists who’ve been playing for the past 40, 50 and even 60 years, a decade is nothing special. But, if you’ve bent and broken...


Comrades in victory

Teammates make the best friends   Todd Colin Vaughan Sports Editor   Sport is based on love.   No, seriously.   Stereotypically, the dominant view of a sports team is an enclosed system of...


Hapless, not hopeless

The plight of pulling for perennial basement dwellers   Todd Colin Vaughan Sports Editor   I’m a loser. Call it guilty by association.   There are only two instances in 24 years of life...


Things I wish I’d known in first year

The Reflector Archives Plan out your general education requirements ahead of time so you don’t get stuck without the prerequisites necessary for higher-level classes. If you’re on campus four or more days a week,...


Rich punks

A fan’s requiem for levity   Todd Colin Vaughan Sports Editor     It’s the last minute of the fourth quarter. The game’s tied.   Most players are pining for that end of season...