Tagged: Kevin Rushworth


D-O-Double-G double sucks

By Kevin Rushworth The big Snoopy D-O-double G himself—other wise known as Snoop Dogg—has taught me four lessons through his bangin’ tunes; first off, the self titled father of rap taught me to lay...


A painful introduction to the world of wrestling

By Blaine Meller Sports Editor OK, a show of hands: How many people think professional wrestling is fake? Or better yet, how many people have watched professional wrestling and thought to themselves, “hey, I...


Terry Grant balances hardcore with hardwood

by Kevin Rushworth Web Editor Long after the adrenaline of a chase subsides, Terry Grant, star of Outdoor Life Network’s television series Mantracker, switches his trademark black cowboy hat and Wranglers for carpentry tools...


Raise the curtain on a new year of theatre

by Kevin Rushworth Web Editor She Has a Name Women and children — innocent and without a voice to speak up against their everyday horrors — have become the faces of Southeast Asian human...


Noise 101 – CD Reviews for Nov. 4

Chemical Brothers Further With the average song length at almost seven minutes, The Chemical Brothers waste no time packing their newest album with head-spinning beats, layered samples and fist- pumping rhythms. Further is an...