Tagged: life


Telling stories on the fly

by Sean-Paul Boynton In the year 1599, William Shakespeare penned one of his most famous soliloquies, spoken by the character Jacques in As You Like It, which contains these immortal opening lines: “All the...


Stepping into someone else’s shoes

Ever since the days of Shakespeare, when men were forced to put on frilly dresses and portray all the female roles, actors have had to deal with the challenges of stepping into characters that...


Beating boredom: Get your blog on

I trust everyone has had a lovely holiday season. It feels…nice…to be back. More stressful already than anything but that’s the way the cookie crumbles for now I suppose. Aside from trying to get...


‘Tenacious’ athlete remembered

“Whether you knew Sash or not she had a big impact on all of our lives. Sash was a beautiful young woman full of life, vigor, and will always be remembered with a smile...


The case for space at MRU

With a new semester full of reading, quizzes and exams, students will likely be looking for out of the way places for a little peace and quiet to do some studying. One problem is...


Never too late to find a new subplot in life

It happens to a lot of us: having to stifle our creative sides in order to reap the rewards of the so-called “professional life,” our careers can get in the way of some of our...


Mythbusters: the family edition

Chances are, at least once in your life, you’ve raised your eyes skyward to ask, “Why am I the only normal one in my screwed-up family?” Turns out you’re not alone in questioning your...