Tagged: manager


MRU graduate returns to receive award

Emily Nachtigall Guest Columnist   On Sept. 20, I, along with other students, faculty and staff, got the honour of hearing Colleen Abdoulah speak about her time at Mount Royal and her life journeys...


Mount Royal prepares for new transit hub

Construction expected to be complete by mid-October   Holly Triebwasser News Editor   The ongoing construction of a new transit hub outside Mount Royal University’s West Gate entrance has caused road closures and bus...


GM promotes inclusion

LGBTQ players should feel safe in locker room   Nathan Ross Staff Writer   Can you name three openly gay professional athletes? Don’t feel bad if you can’t.   The fact is the NHL...


This Hub’s for you

MRU students embrace new space and anticipate food menu   Vanessa Gillard Arts Editor   The newest addition to Wyckham House opened its doors with little ceremony and lots of curiousity from passing students...


Radio Shifts to a new name

By Aaron Chatha Features Editor A name can be a powerful thing. It’s what carries your brand forward, it’s how people identify your organization and when a company changes its name, it is not...