Tagged: MRU


Centennial year full of changes at MRU

by Bryan Weismiller News Editor In case you spent the last eight months trapped under a pile of textbooks, Mount Royal University celebrated its centennial this year. It was a historic time filled with...


Cougars named academic all-canadians

Four student athletes from Mount Royal University have been named academic all-canadians. In a joint release from the CCAA and SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre), Cam Dodd (basketball), Emily Larson (basketball), Dan Durham (volleyball)...


The lost sports of Mount Royal

by Rachel Ott The Reflector The banners are still displayed proudly in the pool and around the running track at Mount Royal, reminding us of our once-great swim and cross-country teams. Detailing consecutive championships...


MRU hosting major gymnastics performance in May

by Laura Lushington The Reflector Mount Royal University will literally be “springing ahead” this May when over 400 gymnasts and other athletes descend on the campus for a performance of gymnastics skills. GymFest, a...


Sodexo responds to gift card concerns

It’s far from a full-fledged food fight, but the first banana may have been flung across the proverbial food court. MRU has been buzzing over a CBC story on Sodexo-affiliated Tim Hortons’ refusal to...


Time to look at election process

The Students’ Association, annually plagued with an irrepressible lack of enthusiasm for elections, is trying to reach students with a cheeky campaign for voting. “Vote Naked” is the slogan, featuring outgoing SAMRU executive members...


Wired magazine editor-in-chief speaks on campus

by James Wilt The Reflector The audience’s chatter didn’t dwindle as Chris Anderson entered Ross Glen Hall. If a gaze was even briefly distracted, one may have completely missed him being casually introduced to...