Tagged: nomination


Mercury Prize: success can be bought

British music award still up to its tricks   Nathan Ross Arts Editor   With the seasons changing, we are thankfully past the time of the year where Carly Rae Jepsen fends off everyone...


Former dean gets PC nod

Wendelin Fraser running for MLA position   Samara Hawkins Staff Writer   Political careers and the Bissett School of Business have been going hand-in-hand these past few years.   After former non-profit studies professor...


Valedictorian honoured to represent MRU

Business grad shows ‘quiet confidence’ and ‘intensity,’ prof says   Shannon Galley Staff Writer   When David Ohreen nominated Rance Williams as valedictorian, he did so for one simple reason: Williams’ accomplishments must be...


More time to apply for MRU student council

by Catherine Szabo Students hoping for a spot on Mount Royal University’s student council or executive council now have a longer period to put together their nomination packages — two months longer, to be...