Tagged: provincial budget


No more lovin’

The show won’t go on for I Heart MRU   Becca Paterson Arts Editor   New Student Orientation (NSO) can be an overwhelming two days for new students to Mount Royal. It is a...


Ross Rants: Enough is enough

Epcor Centre is just he latest victim of cuts to the Arts in AB   Nathan Ross Web Editor   It seems as though more and more often that any news involving the word...


Provincial Priorities

Welcome to the Fall 2013 semester, and the beginning of the fall of higher education at Mount Royal University.   After higher education was cut by $100-million province-wide, our institution was left reeling —...


MRU copes with provincial budget cuts

‘Not going to be the same as before,’ Docherty warns   BAJ Visser Staff Writer   Mount Royal University is scrambling to cope with drastic and unexpected cuts after the Government of Alberta released...


Library renos may start soon

Budget provides first funding for school’s capital priority   BAJ Visser Staff Writer   The provincial budget released by the Alberta government on Mar. 7 was not kind to post-secondary institutions, with a cut...


New library not in the balance books

We’re still pushing for it, says MRU president   Rachael Frey News Editor   Alberta’s provincial budget for 2012 is here and it contains both good and bad news for Mount Royal University.  ...