Tagged: relationship


Women are more than their relationship statuses

By Mackenzie Gellner, Staff Writer If you haven’t already heard, Emma Watson was interviewed by activist Paris Lees for British Vogue in the past month. The interview was packed with heavy topics relating to...


Patti Smith’s memoir a touching tribute

It is hard to imagine attributing the words sweet and tender to a story that recalls the relationship between artist Robert Mapplethorpe and rock musician and poet Patti Smith, both better known for their...


Brothers in arms

by Devin Ayotte The Reflector Though it has yet to grace the pages of the hallowed Oxford English Dictionary, the term bromance is gaining ground in gender studies discourse and fraternity house basement discourse...


Winter flicks for the winter blues

by Lynne Hogan  The Reflector No Strings Attached Jan. 21 No Strings Attached is an upcoming romantic comedy starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman. It is directed by Ivan Reitman (father of Juno’s Jason...


Godless yet blessed

by Jesse Hove Often in religious circles atheists get labelled as the cold-hearted scientists who care nothing of relationships and put stock only in quantitative study, the big bang and evolution. While atheists do...


My God is no genie

by Jesse Hove Have you ever developed a deep meaningful relationship with a close friend or family member through a three-step process? Have you ever fallen in love following a pre-planned mathematical guide to...


Gift giving for dummies

Trying to find the perfect gift for someone you love is never an easy task, but what may be even more difficult is shop­ping for your other half in a newly formed relationship. No...


No strings attached

Don’t hate the game, hate the player — oh wait, it’s the reverse: don’t hate the player, hate the game. Whatever. Either way, hating the game or the player is beside the point. The...


Rom-com reveals love is never easy

I’m often asked relationship advice and because the people asking are my friends I try my best. But the truth is, I suck at relationships which is why I write about sex. That’s not...