Tagged: show


Calgary actually has lots of stuff to do

Nathan Ross Arts Editor   If there is one thing I’m so sick of hearing people say about Calgary, it is that there is nothing to do.   Calgary is literally the cultural capital...


Folk Fest offers up a beautiful time

A very serious look back at Serena Ryder   Daniel Bergman Contributor   At the Calgary Folk Music Festival, time is not sequential.   When I look back over the years at my encounters...


Sled’s Secrets

How Sled Island benefits smaller bands    Nathan Ross Staff Writer   One of the features Sled Island loves to advertise is the fact that over 200 bands play, and with good reason. This...


Time well wasted

The top 10 ways to productively procrastinate   Lindsay Douglas Staff Writer   I researched this article by putting off writing it.   The semester is winding down, you have a hundred things to...


Canadian poet delights fans

Orpheus Theatre plays host to spoken word artist   Nathan Ross Staff Writer   Many Canadians wouldn’t recognize the name Shane Koyczan, but it’s likely many more would recognize his face. The poet from...


‘Element’ rings inspired by daily life

Fine Arts student to sell wares on ACAD’s Main Mall in spring show   Thomi Olson Fashion Columnist   I’ve always been insanely envious of creative people.   Like musicians who can make any...


Fred Penner delights MRU’s young-at-heart

Famed children’s entertainer jams at The Hub   Rachael Frey News Editor   The nostalgia was so thick when Fred Penner played The Hub on March 16, you could almost taste it in the...


Twelfth Night play coming to MRU in March

Shakespearean comedy to open at month’s end   Nathan Ross Staff Writer   Spring is right around the corner and many of us are going to take the chance to turn over a new...


Taking a second glance at MRU’s art

Photos: Reflector staff As students walk their usual paths to class each week they may pass pieces of art here and there. In fact, there are actually more pieces than you might think. According...